“MS Evolving Management in the new Scenario” St.Petersburg, Russia – May 6-7, 2011

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports, Multiple Sclerosis

ROME, May 6, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Serono Symposia International Foundation will gather a team of leading international experts in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) meeting on May 6-7 in St.Petersburg to attend the symposium “MS Evolving management in a new scenario” during the 2011 CME Annual Meeting in Multiple Sclerosis.

With the optimization of existing therapies and the introduction of new diagnostic tools and treatments, the environment in which MS is treated is changing rapidly and there have been substantial advances in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. These innovations provide the possibility of improved clinical management, but may also present a challenge to physicians as they shape their practices for the benefit of their patients.

Therefore, when approaches evolve rapidly, continuous refinement of skills is required and this symposium aims at providing participants with a unique opportunity to debate practical issues and solutions that MS specialists will then be able to apply in this stimulating and evolving scenario. By attending the conference participants will be informed on new and improved diagnostic tools, get better skills to optimize interaction with patients, be updated on existing options to individualize treatment and discuss in an interactive setting practical issues and solutions aimed at improving outcomes.

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