We understand MS heat-sensitivity,
and we know our products can help.
Many people living with MS experience heat intolerance. This can occur during the warmer summer months, after exercise or even while cooking in a hot kitchen! There has been extensive research on the cause and occurrence of heat intolerance in MS with studies dating back to the 1950’s. (Seewww.MSCooling.info for a partial list.) When a person with MS experiences a rise in body temperature, nerve conduction may be slowed or even blocked which can cause a temporary worsening of MS related symptoms.
The effects are reported to be temporary with symptoms returning to their normal level as the body cools. Each person’s MS is unique and so is how this heat affects individuals. However, if you experience intolerance to heat, it does not have to limit you!
Cooling garments are a major resource that can be used to help beat the heat. There are many types, technologies and styles of cooling garments that can help in a variety of situations.
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