MS Cluster Cell on Long Island

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports, Multiple Sclerosis

Information provided by Nina F.

Abstract: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks the central nervous system (National Institutes of Health, 2009).  Multiple Sclerosis causes many physical and neurological symptoms, and progresses to physical disability (National Institutes of Health, 2009).  The data set was acquired from the Long Island Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society.  Using the formula in Excel, Declong + Declat= left(D7,4,2)/60 + MID(D7,7,5)/3600, the latitude and longitude were changed to decimal degrees.  ARCGIS Version 9.31 was used for the geospatial analysis. A coastal shape outline shape file was added and transformed, as well as the north arrow, legend, and scale.  Fields were added from the Excel table in attribute for zip codes.  
Then, the Municipality Shape file was added to assess incidence and occurrence by Town.  Population density data by town were normalized for the statistical analyses. Almost all of the towns have reasonably similar percentages of incidence and occurrence of people with Multiple Sclerosis, ranging from roughly 0.1 to 0.2%.  The percentage of people with Multiple Sclerosis in the Town of North Hempstead however, is significantly greater at approximately 0.698%.  Nassau County has a greater cluster of incidence of occurrence of people with Multiple Sclerosis than Suffolk County.  Population density does not account for this difference between counties, Nassau (1,339,532) and Suffolk (1,493,350).  
Additionally, the significantly higher value for Hempstead and for Nassau County as a whole may in fact be related to environmental factors.  Ingalls, 1986, reported that the occurrence of M.S. in cases in Key West, Florida (1983-1985) clustered around a nearby dump pile that had mercury and lead pollution.  This is extremely important because it may lead to a better understand understanding of Multiple Sclerosis and allow for greater protection from the disease.
During the Summer of  2011, Courtney worked with USGS to analyze drinking water well-log data to identify whether there are any environmental causes that may be correlated to this cluster of MS patients.

Read more of this study found here

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