MS Awareness : MS Made me a Humanitarian and then allowed me to empower others

Stuart SchlossmanAbout Stuart, Multiple Sclerosis

For MS Awareness week, I want you to know, why I do, what I do…. 

When I was diagnosed with MS in 1998, I soon learned that finding information was nearly impossible. Being handy with the internet, I obtained information and then forwarded this information to others whom I met either at online ms chatrooms or to those that I met at support group meetings. My email listings which began at under 20, began blooming to hundreds and then thousands.

The information that I was providing each day, became so much and to so many, that I had to cut back to just 1x per week,

These days my weekly e-newsletter, published each Thursday, reaches e-recipients in (83) Countries.

I like to empower others with the information that I know, helps them to know more and be able-to, manage their Multiple Sclerosis.

In addition to my weekly e-Newsletter called “Stu’s Views & MS News”, I founded the ‘MS Views and News’ not for profit organization and monthly, we host MS education programs. We seek to expand but for now, remain in Florida. 

Take a look at our website:  or our blog, where nearly everyday, I update the site with information that I know, thousands read and digest for the better of themselves or they maybe as a caregiver can know for the MS patient. 

Yes, I miss my travels for when I was an international sales manager, traveling to non-exotic regions of Mexico, Central America, portions of Puerto Rico, Texas and the South east USA. I often miss the hustle and bustle of getting that next sale. But in return, or in exchange, I have learned that with each person with whom I can enlighten with MS information, that it equals that big sale of parts.

Learn more of me, by clicking here

I was once an arrogant, hard-line salesman and now, I am just an arrogant humanitarian.

Be Well and Be EMPOWERED

Stuart Schlossman

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