MS and Heat: What Heat Sensitivity Feels Like and How To Manage It

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms

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  • Many people with multiple sclerosis (MS) notice their symptoms worsen when their body temperature rises. The symptoms usually subside after the body cools.
  • Heat may temporarily impair the nerves’ ability to deliver messages to the body, which can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, and brain fog.
  • There are many strategies to ease heat-triggered MS flares, including consuming chilled beverages and foods, modifying your exercise routine, taking cool showers, air-conditioning your home, and wearing cooling clothing.

Many people with multiple sclerosis are sensitive to heat and changes in body temperature. Even a quarter- or half-degree change in core body temperature can temporarily trigger MS symptoms. Environments others might not think twice about — a humid backyard, stuffy room, or hot shower — can make MS symptoms worse. This condition is called Uhthoff’s phenomenon.


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