MS ADVOCACY 101 – How to Get Your Confidence Back

Stuart SchlossmanGeneral, Healthcare Perspectives

For many, the idea of asserting
themselves is daunting. To be an advocate, you often need to back up the desire
with a healthy dose of confidence. You can do the MS-based surveys found here
anonymously and not need to muster up any confidence. But, to get involved in
face-to-face or verbal advocacy, you will need to get your confidence in check.

great news is, in advocacy, your desire to be heard and speak up comes from an
inner confidence you may not even know you have. The “I’m not going to take it”
attitude can help push confidence to the front. Just be careful your enthusiasm
for your cause doesn’t come off as bullish.

for many of us with MS, confidence is one of those “old us” (pre-diagnosis)
facets of ourselves we so often feel we have lost along our journey with the
disease — our confidence in daily routine, but also, perhaps, inside
where we don’t admit it to others. Yet, self confidence is very important for
your well-being. It is your internal cheerleader of sorts. Rooting for you,
helping you find your voice.

you don’t have to think of a confident person as a braggart. No. The admiration
you lavish on others should start for you, with you. Confidence helps
persuade people. If you are confident in your position others take notice. Confidence
can also appear as charisma in those that ad fearlessness and warmth.

best place to nurture confidence is in your knowledge — of yourself and
your cause. Knowledge cannot help but infuse confidence. When you have answers,
or understanding, confidence will follow. Knowing the angles and facts behind
your particular avenues of advocacy, you’ll find confidence is not far away. If
you are not as personally confident, learning all you can about whatever area
you’ve lost confidence in should help; fear of falling? Learn how to prevent
it. Fear of speaking? Learn to speak slowly with cue cards if needed. Find a
way to believe in yourself.

you are ready to take an advocacy step, then you have nurtured your belief
enough to take the needed action. You know what it is you are talking about or
need on some level. This is when confidence can blossom.

Don’t let MS take your
confidence. In any aspect of your life, for advocacy and personal needs,
educate yourself in whatever area you feel you have lost, or need to cultivate

Information source: MS Foundation

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