Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm Wins FDA Nod

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), MS Research Study and Reports

May 9, 2014
SILVER SPRING, Md. — The FDA Friday approved marketing of the first powered prosthetic arm that the user can control with his or her thoughts.
Made by New Hampshire-based DEKA Integrated Solutions, the device detects and translates electromyographic activity in nearby muscles — which the user can consciously control — into signals that direct specific movements and actions in the prosthetic arm.
It’s the same size and weight as a normal adult arm and is capable of 10 different powered movements, according to the FDA.
Approval was based primarily on a trial in 36 participants who were patients in the Veterans Affairs medical system.
“The study found that approximately 90% of study participants were able to perform activities with the DEKA Arm System that they were not able to perform with their current prosthesis, such as using keys and locks, preparing food, feeding oneself, using zippers, and brushing and combing hair,” the FDA said.
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THINK of all the reasons why this and how, this robotic technology, can be used…  

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