a publication re-production:
This is the first in a series of articles on topics covered in classes I attended at the annual Meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) in Orlando, Florida between May 29 and June 1, 2013. In a symposium entitled “Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Controversial and Unconventional Therapies”, Drs Bowling and Wade discussed the history and use of Medical Marijuana and canniboid derivatives currently approved by the FDA.
In his introduction, Dr. Bowling told us that the use of Medical Marijuana is now legal in 19 States, the District of Columbia and Canada. Its legality has also been legislated for any adult wishing to use it for other reasons in the States of Colorado and Washington. HOWEVER, it is still illegal to cross State lines or International borders in possession of prescription Marijuana in any amount and is subject to high fines and even imprisonment if caught. This is true even if crossing from one legal domain into another. Therefore, he asks patients using this product to let him know prior to travel and he will see to it that they have a prescription for a legal canniboid derivative such as Marinol®.
For centuries and in countries around the globe, Humans have identified the medicinal benefits of pain relief, sleep enhancement, relief of spasticity , relief of nausea and a number of other properties of smoking or eating portions of the marijuana plant. It was freely used in the United States until the 1930s when a National Law was enacted vetoing its use. Many people continued to use the Plant in medicinal ways until the 1960s when it gained favor in higher doses with greater frequency as a recreational drug. The struggle between users of this drug and Federal and State Governments continues as States are, one by one, approving the use of it in certain populations for specific purposes.
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