Magic in your Hands — Yoga is much more than a series of physical postures…

Stuart SchlossmanMS Exercise, Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates

Article written by: Mindy Eisenberg, MHSA, E-RYT-500, C-IAYT

Yoga is much more than a series of physical postures; it encompasses a variety of techniques that harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. Among these techniques are mudras. Derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “gesture” or “seal,” mudras are symbolic hand positions that are believed to channel energy flow within the body, enhance meditation, and promote overall well-being. Mudras can be practiced by anyone!  

The fingers represent different earth elements according to Ayurveda which is the ancient sister science to yoga that focuses on healing and wellness. When practicing mudras, the fingers are brought together in specific ways to balance the five elements within the body, promoting physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual growth.  

Thumb: Fire
Index Finger: Air
Middle Finger: Space (Ether)
Ring Finger: Earth
Little Finger: Water  

Each mudra is believed to have a specific effect on the body and mind, directing the flow of prana (life energy) improving mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Commonly practiced mudras include:  

Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge) How: Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger, with the other three fingers extended.Benefits: Enhances concentration, memory, and clarity of thought. Often used during meditation to calm the mind.

Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life) How: Touch the tip of the thumb to the tips of the ring finger and little finger, keeping the other two fingers straight.Benefits: Increases vitality, reduces fatigue, and boosts the immune system. Helps energize the body.

Shuni Mudra (Mudra of Patience) How: Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger, keeping the other fingers straight.Benefits: Promotes patience, discipline, and stability. Develops perseverance.

Apan Mudra (Mudra of Digestion) How: Touch the tip of the thumb to the tips of the middle and ring fingers, with the other fingers extended.

Benefits: Aids in detoxifying the body, improves digestion, and supports the excretory system.  

How to Integrate Mudras into Your Practice:  

Start Simple: Begin with 1 or 2 mudras and practice them regularly. Consistency is key!
Combine with Breathwork: Find a comfortable seated position, and form the chosen mudra with the light touch of your fingers. Pair mudras with mindful breathing practices to amplify their impact on your mental state.

Meditation and Mudras: You can use a mudra for several complete breaths or during meditation to deepen your focus.

Mindful Awareness: Pay attention to the sensations and changes in your body and mind as you practice mudras.  

Mudras are a simple, yet powerful tool offering a unique way to balance the body’s elements, enhance mental clarity, and promote spiritual growth.

To learn more about mudras, refer to Mindy Eisenberg’s book Adaptive Yoga Moves Any Body (Click the link to order)