Visit the research blog on Low-dose naltrexone. USE this blog to explore both the experience of people who have used the medication but also barriers to accessing the medication.
LDN is a controversial product not least because it was developed as a way of treating heroin addiction. For MS,for example,the jury is still out on its effectiveness. But that does not stop many patients advocating its use! That is why we there is interest in the opinions of people who have used LDN.
Of particular interest are the following questions:-
a) Have you ever used LDN and for what condition was it prescribed?
b) How effective was LDN for treating your condition?
c) How easy was it for you to be prescribed LDN? Were you ever turned down for it?
d) How did you find out about LDN?
e) What sources of information would you recommend to others regarding LDN?
f) Did you ever consider using LDN which had not been prescribed by a physician?
Please do treat these questions as a guide we would love to have any comments you might make!
To take part in the research blog please click here, taking you to the PATIENT EXPERIENCE page where you can add your comments in the box provided. Alternatively you can reply to the comments and experiences of others.
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Disclaimer: ‘MS Views and News’ (MSVN), does not endorse any products or services found on this blog. It is up to you to seek advice from your healthcare provider. The intent of this blog is to provide information on various medical conditions, medications, treatments, and procedures for your personal knowledge and to keep you informed of current health-related issues. It is not intended to be complete or exhaustive, nor is it a substitute for the advice of your physician. Should you or your family members have any specific medical problem, seek medical care promptly.
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