Living a ‘Normal’ life with MS from a Christian Perspective – a Patient’s story

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Inspirational, Multiple Sclerosis

June 9, 2013

By Chris TatevosianSpecial to ASSIST News Service

For those of us who have the terrible illness of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), we have two choices: One is that we can either think about what we can do or, two, we can think about what we can no longer do.
Chris in a wheelchair
No matter what, this is our new reality. As difficult as our hardships maybe, it really is our choice how we choose to go on living.
I am deeply comforted as a committed Christian by these words: “Come to me you who are worried and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).
The first choice involves changes and adjustments to our new life, which will allow us to go on living and enjoying the life we have… smiling, even laughing. Yeah, it’s not what any of us expected, but life throws us curves every day. Sometimes there are problems as simple as locking our keys in the car, having the power go out, or breaking a fingernail, so we just have to accept them, adjust, and continue our day.
I know the problems resulting from MS are not as trivial as breaking a fingernail or sitting on your eyeglasses, which I have done several times, actually. How about joking about the situation? The situation may not be funny at the time, but when you look back a lot of times the trials and situations we find ourselves in can be hysterical.
For example, I got stuck on the soapy shampoo covered floor of the shower. Trying to extricate and up right myself from that situation was like an episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show — “Oooh, Rob”. I realize that I am aging myself, but if you’re too young to remember or have seen the show, with today’s technology, that’s an issue easily rectified, or you can just visualize Bambi trying to stand up on a slippery ice covered pond.
The second choice is a life of despair, worry and loss. Either way, if you are a believer, and are truly walking the walk, and not just talking the talk, as they say, you have eternal life in Christ.
Remember, God has a plan for your life. MS does not present a stumbling, block for our Savior. Do you think that He is surprised by or taken back by the introduction of MS to our lives? Come on, our God, the great “I Am”, “the Messiah”, He who knows all that was, is and will be. 
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