Life Changes after MS or does it?

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story


By mike-d-russell        

June 29, 2021

     Life was just another day of work and fun in the sun before MS or was it? Oh boy, I know that statement has risen a few eyebrows. Yes, life has changed and I’m not going to say it hasn’t because it has! I would like to share how I have focused on the good, bad and ugly in hopes it might hit home with you.

Accepting the good and the bad

We have all heard, accept the bad, move on, don’t dwell on it, take the bad with the good, and on and on. As I say “life is Good” and it is, just with a ton of MS roadblocks along the way. Life is full of challenges and how we look at those challenges shapes the results we see.

Handling the good, bad, ugly, and Yep the funny

The good bits

So, what is the good you ask? We can enjoy family, friends, go out, enjoy life. Yes, I hear you with a few roadblocks needing a bit of planning. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention was laughter from time to time, which I’ll share a little later in hopes you laugh.

Planning is a typical life event for everyone, except it takes on a little bit more thought for MSers. Most, when planning you’ll considers how much time do we need to get there, the time we will be there, and the time to get home. Fairly simple, easy math and a quick let’s go don’t forget your phone.

Oh, how I wish life with MS was so simple to dress and run as it was earlier in our life. So, what has changed one would ask. Let me give that some thought, which might take a little bit of time if I don’t forget what I was thinking about that is.

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