Learning To Heal: The Wound Is The Place Where The Light Enters You

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

written by: Cathy Chester – the Empowered Spirit

Disappointment. Heartache. Illness. Fear. Sadness. Loss.
The words dangle before my eyes, suspended in midair as if to taunt me. They hang in the balance as constant reminders of what is now. I close my eyes tightly, hoping they’ll disappear. But when I open them they dance wildly as if to mock me for the hope that went unanswered.
I know I don’t have the corner on pain and sadness. No one escapes this life without experiencing it. But I’ve had more than my share of disappointment and anguish this year, in ways that I never imagined. After speaking with my closest friends they agreed on one thing: Write about it.
So I’ll try, in my own way, to explain my thoughts without being too maudlin. I know people mean well when they offer trite platitudes like “When one window closes another one opens” or “We all get as much as the Lord thinks we can handle” but honestly, I don’t agree that our problems will be solved by those phrases.
I believe we are helped by the important lessons we learn from others’ examples, and the brilliance we absorb from stories we read by the Masters.
That is what lifts our spirits to be able to face whatever comes our way.
When I graduated from elementary school my oldest brother gave me a book that I cherish to this day. It was “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran, and I quickly devoured it. As I allowed the words to wash over me something powerful began to happen. It was as if an inner silence suddenly sprung to life. Looking back I realize that feeling was the beginning of my lifelong love (and need) of philosophy and spirituality.

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