Learn About the ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS meetings where More than 7,000 Scientists Present Findings at World’s Largest Gathering Dedicated to MS Research

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports, MS Views and News, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Symptoms

September eNews

More than 8500 investigators convened in Boston on September 10-13, 2014 to present findings and share ideas at the ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS (Americas and European Committees for Treatment and Research in MS) joint meeting, the world’s largest gathering dedicated to MS research. Over 1,000 scientific presentations and display posters covered virtually every aspect of research to stop MS, restore function, and end MS forever. Among these are the latest results from trials of emerging therapies, nervous system repair and rehabilitative strategies, studies furthering our understanding of progressive MS, and much more.

Anyone interested in ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS presentations can visit the meeting website and view the scientific summaries (referred to as abstracts in the program).

Breaking News from the Meeting

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