KineMed Announces Agreement With EMD Serono to Identify Protein and Lipid Biomarkers For Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports

EMERYVILLE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–   January 13, 2014
KineMed, Inc. ( today announced an agreement with EMD Serono to apply KineMed’s mass spectrometric Dynamic Proteomics and lipids platforms to the discovery of protein and lipid biomarkers for multiple sclerosis.
Myelin breakdown and synthesis is a fundamental process underlying progression and resolution of demyelinating disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS). Sensitive biomarkers of myelin synthesis are necessary for monitoring the in vivo response to candidate remyelinating agents. KineMed’s proprietary technology platform will be used to discover biomarkers that will allow EMD Serono to track and monitor rates of myelin breakdown and repair in the living brain. The synthesis of several myelin lipids and protein components, including cholesterol, galactocerebroside and phospholipids, as well as major myelin proteins, will be measured during periods of demyelination and remyelination in animal models. These measurements will be made by use of KineMed’s proprietary Dynamic Proteomics and lipid synthesis technologies. This study will also utilize KineMed’s recently developed non-invasive translational marker of brain cholesterol synthesis, which measures synthesis of brain-specific 24-hydroxy-cholesterol in the blood to better understand temporal changes in brain cholesterol synthesis relevant to MS.

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