Increased number of Britons having multiple sclerosis reported

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports

By Martin Gibbons,

(TeleManagement) A new study at the University of Dundee discovered that the number of people being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the UK is falling but the population of those living with the disease is growing as patients are living longer.
Dr Isla Mackenzie, Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Medicines Monitoring Unit (MEMO) at the University of Dundee, led the study. She said: “Our research covers four million patients from a representative sample of GP practices spread throughout the UK. This study provides an up to date national picture of the epidemiology of MS in the UK”.
Dr Jonathan O’Riordan, Consultant Neurologist at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, said: “There are probably genetic and environmental factors at play to explain why it is more common in Scotland”. The vast majority of newly diagnosed patients will have the relapsing remitting form of the disease and will be eligible for consideration of disease modifying therapies”.
Mr David Pullar, who was diagnosed with MS when he was 20 years old, is a member of the MS Therapy Centre Tayside in Dundee. His diagnosis coincided with the opening of the Tayside Centre and in fact Mr Pullar was the first person to use the Centre in 1982. He has been attending there at least once a week ever since. “I would be lost without the Centre”, said Mr Pullar. “I use oxygen treatment and physiotherapy and feel that both benefit me enormously. I find that if I go away on holiday and don’t go to the Centre for a week or more I begin to feel lethargic, but once I have oxygen treatment I pick up. I also can’t speak too highly of the benefits of physiotherapy. Not only does it help me physically but it also has mood enhancing effects”.
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