How To Be Kind To Yourself To Be A Healthier You

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Inspirational


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written by Cathy Chester

It’s true that my health’s been further compromised by a series of unfortunate events. One of them is the direction our country is going. I’ve spent a lot of time watching breaking news stories and reading compelling articles about what I consider to be dark clouds on the horizon.
You can’t predict when my wacky disease will strike. I’m not aware of large studies correlating stress and MS, but as I stated in prior posts it sure hasn’t helped.
They say life imitates art. If that’s true I think I’m a Cubist painting by Picasso where my broken parts have yet to be reassembled.
As my body challenges me I realize it’s time to take stock of my life. My health depends on it. Something has to change if I want to heal.
It’s time to choose a better path.
The words from Robert Frost’s most famous poem have guided me for years. But in the fog that’s enveloped me I’ve somehow lost my way.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
The time has come to travel those roads once more in hopes of finding spiritual wellness.

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