Help Push the Complex Rehab Bill Over the Finish Line!

Stuart SchlossmanFor the Benefit of the Patient


We’ve come a long
way on an important federal bill that would help people with progressive MS
and we can’t stop now!

MS activists have
helped gain significant congressional support for a bill that helps people
with MS access complex rehabilitation technology through Medicare—which are
individually customized products including manual and power wheelchairs and
seating and positioning systems. These products not only meet the medical
needs of people with progressive MS—but allow them to remain independent and
active members of their community.

Since MS activists
first started educating Capitol Hill about the importance of this bill at the
Public Policy Conference in March, more than 90 members of Congress have
joined as cosponsors. Your member(s) of Congress is one of these supporters
and can help push this bill over the finish line. Email your member(s) of
Congress today to thank them for their support and ask them to urge committee
leadership to advance this bill. Congress will only be in session for a brief
time after the election, so they need to hear from you now and make passing
the Ensuring Access to Quality Complex Rehabilitation Technology Act a

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