Fresh Pineapple claimed to lessen interferon side effects

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

My name is Yvonne Decelis. I have relapsing remitting Multiple Sclerosis. I was diagnosed in 1994 but, looking back, am SURE I have had the “MonSter” all my life.

Initially I was put on Betaseron but that didn’t help me at all. It just made me extremely ill and I became sicker and sicker. as I used it (with many attacks). I had to go off of it within a 6 month period because it just wasn’t helping. With the exception of a 2 month attempt at being a Rebif user (I hated the Avonex shots but the Rebif was an EPIC fail. When I got switched to the full dose I couldn’t take it and went back to using Avonex.) I have been an Avonex user since it was legalized for use in the US in 1998.

Avonex used to make me feel pretty lousy too (nowhere near as bad a Betaseron but bad enough to make me consider stopping the use of it if my doctor could find something else for me to try). However, I was terrified of the PML stories I heard about Tysabri so I spoke to a nurse at Acredo pharmacy and she told me that I should eat fresh (unprocessed) pineapple… before (about an hour to ninety minutes BEFORE) I inject. Apparently, FRESH (not canned) pineapple is loaded with an enzyme in it (Bromelain) that helps lessen the side effects significantly. She also emphasized drinking LOTS of water the day of and after the shot. I was very cynical when I tried this out but was blown away by the difference. I took a 2 hour nap and felt almost normal when I woke up and was fine the next day! I have been doing it every week since and it’s worked like a charm for me. (It’s been about 3 months so far).

I do NOT know if this works with other DMDs but would love to know so, if you use Rebif or Betaseron (or ANYTHING else that makes you feel unwell) and try this PLEASE feel free to let me know via my blog or in my facebook account. I have had pineapple help me with things other than Avonex shots and want to know what else it’s capable of doing.

I have a blog in Google about this at that I invite you to leave me feedback via if you are willing. I would love to launch a study for this in order to get the results out there. I want as many people as possible to know about this because I am astounded by how effective it is.

Best of luck and health to you!

v: 617-872-3745


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