Fire Inspector With MS On Verge of Losing His Job

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

By Chris Coffey
|  Monday, Oct 21, 2013

An Oswego firefighter with multiple sclerosis is one step closer to losing to his job after the fire commission agreed Monday that he is no longer fit for duty based on medical evidence.
David Sackett served as a frontline firefigher but transitioned to the role of fire inspector after he was diagnosed with the disease.
The fire chief claimed Sackett was insubordinate after he refused to to take a physically demanding firefighting test, which the commission also upheld.
Sackett’s attorney, Greg Friedman, says he was asked Monday to return Sackett’s uniform and his tags, meaning he could be suspended or terminated within two weeks.
“He served the district and the people of Oswego admirably, and it’s a shame what’s happening to him, and I intend to reverse it,” Friedman said.


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