Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Speaks with “The Wheelchair Kamikaze”, Marc Stecker

Stuart SchlossmanAdditional MS resource sites, An MS Patients Story

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Me, In Front Of The Camera (Yikes!) – by Marc Stecker

(For those receiving this via email, this post contains a video which can be viewed at the Wheelchair Kamikaze website – click here)

As is evidenced by the Wheelchair Kamikaze videos and photos that are part of this blog, I’m very comfortable behind a camera. In front of a camera, though, not so much. This might seem strange given the fact that I don’t have much of a problem “revealing” myself through my writing, and I’m not exactly a shrinking violet, but I usually react like I just got too close to the tail end of a flatulent moose when viewing images of myself or hearing recordings of my voice. Many so-called primitive cultures believe that capturing a person’s image or voice steals a bit of their soul, and on the off chance that they’re right I’d much rather be the thief than the thieved. You can never have enough soul whether you’re talking about things mystical or musical, and anyone who knows me can tell you that I just can’t get enough of that funky stuff. Holla!

Be that as it may, last summer I was contacted by a producer from the website EverydayHealth.com (click here), who wanted to know if he could put together a video for the site featuring me and my blog. As an added incentive, I was told that I’d be interviewed on camera by none other than Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a famous doctor and television personality who makes numerous appearances on CNN, CBS, and other media outlets. Dr. Gupta is also a practicing neurosurgeon, which further piqued the interest of this “atypical” MS patient. Additionally, I was told that Everyday Health wanted the video to include my lovely wife Karen, who deserves as much praise and credit as can possibly be heaped upon her. So, given this ever enticing witch’s brew of enticements, how could I say no?

Continue reading and watch a FABULOUS video, by clicking here 

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