Discovery of SINGLE genetic variant could help to improve clinical trials of potential therapies. for multiple sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanMultiple Sclerosis, Stem Cell Related, Stu's Views and MS News

Genome study highlights risk factor for multiple sclerosis

By: Ewen Callaway  – July 9th, 2012
Like diabetes, most forms of cancer and other common diseases, there is no single gene that causes the autoimmune condition multiple sclerosis (MS). Dozens of genetic variations act in concert with environmental factors to cause the debilitating neurological disease.
Yet a single genetic variant may explain why drugs that treat other autoimmune diseases tend to make MS symptoms worse, and could identify other MS patients who might benefit from the therapies. Researchers say that the findings, which are published online in Nature also highlight how genome-wide association studies (GWAS) can yield useful medical insights.
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