Detecting When a Loved One Has Early signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Stuart SchlossmanAlzheimer’s and Dementia, Aging & MS, When others need assistance

Medically Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev, MD on June 27, 2022

Could It Be Alzheimer's?

Could It Be Alzheimer’s?

It’s normal for people to become a bit forgetful as they age. So how can you tell a harmless “senior moment” from Alzheimer’s disease? One in eight people 65 and older have this devastating form of dementia. In its first stages, Alzheimer’s may not be obvious to friends and family. But there are some early warning signs to watch for.

Warning Signs: Memory and Speech

Warning Signs: Memory and Speech

In early Alzheimer’s, long-term memories usually remain intact while short-term memories become sketchy. Your loved one may forget conversations you had. They may repeat questions that were already answered. The disease also disrupts speech, so they might struggle to remember common words.

Warning Signs: Behavior

In addition to memory loss, Alzheimer’s can cause confusion and behavior changes. Your loved one may get lost in familiar places. Mood swings and lapses in judgment are also common, as is poor hygiene. People who were once stylish may start wearing stained clothes and forget to wash their hair.

Don't Ignore the Signs

Don’t Ignore the Signs

It’s hard to face the thought that a loved one could have this disease, but it’s better to see a doctor sooner rather than later. First, the diagnosis might be something else. The symptoms could be caused by a highly treatable problem, like a thyroid imbalance. And if it is Alzheimer’s, treatments work best when they’re used early in the course of the disease.