Currently 11 years old but at age 5 set an amazing dream to raise $1 Million dollars for MS

Stuart SchlossmanCaregiver related, Multiple Sclerosis, National MS Society Related

Charlotte Observer – By Brittany Penland
Devin Lynch sat in the back of a little wagon years ago as his parents, Mitzi and Craig Lynch, of Hembstead, carted him around at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) sponsored event, Walk MS.
But it did not take long for the little boy to follow his parent’s example and raise awareness of multiple sclerosis (MS).
This year, Walk MS was held May 15 in Symphony Park and walkers were able to choose between a two-mile or four-mile route.
At the walk, participants can donate individually or join a team to raise money for research. Teams also have the opportunity to be sponsored. Growing up, Devin witnessed the disease firsthand, because his uncle had developed multiple sclerosis in his 20s.
When Devin reached age 4, he set a goal to help those with multiple sclerosis, and raised $1,000 after he sent out a letter asking for donations to help MS research, said his mother, Mitzi.
At 5, Devin read his fundraising letter to a crowd of 1,200 people at a national MS conference in Denver, Colo., said Mitzi.
“I saw that everybody was raising a ton of money for MS research, so I decided it would be cool if we raised $1 million,” said Devin.

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