Current Disease Modifying Treatments and the Invisible Symptoms of MS – Video Recorded 05.26.15

Stuart SchlossmanMS Educational Programs, MS Views and News, Multiple Sclerosis, Oral MS Medications, Stu's Views and MS News

Program Date: May 26, 2015 – Indianapolis, IN

  This video recorded program is one of many provided by MS Views and News, Inc
Provided as an enduring material for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis to learn-from and share with others.  see more of our video-recorded programs at The MS Views and News Learning Channel on YouTube found here: 

Listen to the dialogue first to MS Views and News’ Emcee along with the discussions from a local support group leader, an ambassador to iConquerMS and a member of MS World

THEN watch these two empowering videos that will provide needed information for many people:

Mark Janicki, MD – Neurology from Indianapolis

Patricia Pagnotta, MSN, ARNP-C – from Mailtland, Fl.

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