Copaxone sales Continue STRONG

Stuart SchlossmanMS Drug Therapies

UBS: Copaxone sales strong despite generic rivals


UBS says, “The launch for generic Copaxone has not gone very well, with molecule share hovering around 5%.

Two months ago, Momenta Pharmaceuticals and Sandoz launched the first generic version of Copaxone, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.’s (NYSE: TEVA; TASE: TEVA) flagship product for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. As part of its strategy for dealing with the generic version, Teva took action even before the launch to transfer as many patients as possible to double-dosage (40-mg) Copaxone three times a week, instead of the regular daily dosage in which Glatopa (generic Copaxone) is administered.
A review published this week by UBS pharmaceutical analyst Marc Goodman indicates that the generic launch has not affected Teva so far. Goodman wrote, “Despite the launch of Sandoz/Momenta’s generic Copaxone in late June, weekly IMS data indicates that the molecule share for 3TW has climbed up to 70.7% TRx share at the end of the first week of August from 68.8% at the end of June, before the first IMS reporting of TRxs for generic Copaxone. The launch for generic Copaxone has not gone very well, with molecule share hovering around 5% for the past four consecutive weeks.”

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