CHAMPIONS TACKLING MS Gala – Request letter sponsor for business and or individuals

Stuart SchlossmanFUNDRAISING, Multiple Sclerosis

MS Views and News is a nonprofit 501c3 organization based out of South Florida which provides those affected by Multiple Sclerosis with access to live educational events, on-line education, resources and services to help improve the quality of life for those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. To date MS Views and News has over 17,000 views on our YouTube Learning Channel, reaches 50,000  individuals through our e-newsletters, blogs and social media and educated over 3500 persons affected by Multiple Sclerosis in 2015. Since our first educational program in February 2010, MS Views and News has provided over 190 programs to this current date.

On April 9th, 2016 we will be hosting our Awards Gala titled “Champions Tackling MS” which will be honoring those who have made great impacts in the Multiple Sclerosis community. We anticipate over 150 guests from all of South Florida to attend this Gala. Additionally, the Awards Gala will be professionally photographed and video recorded.

Please consider becoming a “champion” by selecting a sponsorship and or advertising opportunity that you feel best would best represent you or your business in support of Multiple Sclerosis awareness, education and services. There are many appealing advertising opportunities that will be seen by many.  Your business name can be featured in different ways including; event signage, event brochure advertising opportunities, logo placement on tables and more.

Please review the accompanying Sponsorship Opportunity flyer to select your choice. We appreciate your support of MS Views and News and the Multiple Sclerosis community.

All proceeds from our Awards Gala helps maintain the programs and services that MS Views and News provides. With your support, we will continue leading in the effort to provide quality education, information and services for the Multiple Sclerosis community.

Sponsorship values begin at just $50.00

Click here please to see how you can help us, to help the
                             Multiple Sclerosis Community

thank you

Visit our MS Learning Channel on YouTube: