Catheter Woes – A comical digest by An MS Patient

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story

The following message was written by a Friend of mine with a progressive form of MS. “R” , as he wishes to be known wrote this message, which may seem comical to some  – but surely not to him while he was going thru the “situation”.. Yes, there are some words written, that some may not have comfort in reading, but if I removed them, it would take away from  what “R” felt, and what he went through …

Wanting to remain anonymous, this is  “R’s” story, from what he recalls of last night’s adventure…And know that this is rated PG for strong language:::::

  • 12 midnight.
  • Toilet.
  • Nothing.
  • Why is this tube hanging down?
  • Open.
  • Shit. Must’ve come loose.
  • Wasn’t pushed in  enough.
  • Wait a second. The tube is out of my belly.
  • Oh fuck.  That shouldn’t be.
  • Maybe I’m not seeing correctly.
  • Uh oh, I am seeing correctly.
  • Don’t pass out.
  • Not yet, at least.
  • Hit the button. A long lapse.
  • Do you need help?
  • Yes,. Hurry.
  • Eternity.
  • Riding in the big mobile one.
  • The mini-hospital on wheels.
  • At least I got outta the house.
  • Humid as hell.
  • Kinda cool inside this box .  Lights flashing.
  • Mood lighting.
  • Too bad I can’t enjoy this priceyride.
  • Am I dying? Am I dead, yet?
  • Don’t think so.
  • BP 170 over 100. I’m usually on the low side.
  • I must be dead.
  • Are they going to have to cut me open?
  • There’s a balloon in there. How are they going to get it out?
  • Hope a good surgeon is on call.
  • I’m dead. I’m going to die tonight.
  • At least I have my cell with me.
  • Not that I would be calling from the other side.
  • Just in case somebody calls wondering why I don’t answer the land line.
  • Don’t want them to worry.
  • No balloon inside. The tube is out.
  • Have to put a new one in.
  • Are you sure? Did you check?
  • Asked same question a few times.
  • Same answer.
  • No surgery. It’s out.
  • The doctor will put in a new one.
  • Expensive night.
  • I live for another day. Thank GD.
  • Next episode to make me crazy. Crazier. The mind is a motherfucker.

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