Category: TOOLS

“Some Days We”… is the Title of a Book, to help parents educate their children about MS and/or any chronic illness

About the Book: Follow Wyatt and his Mom, Anne, as they navigate through the unpredictable obstacles of a chronic illness,…

Stuart Schlossman

Learning about FSA and HSA Cards for healthcare savings

What Are FSA & HSA cards? A FSA Debit Card is a type of debit card issued in the United States. It can access tax-favored spending…

Stuart Schlossman

2018 – Archived MS Educational Videos – something for everybody affected by MS

WOW – the entire year of 2018 – All of our videos. Find what you would like to learn and…

Stuart Schlossman

I Know I’m in a Handicapped Spot, but I’ll Only Be 2 Minutes

 NOVEMBER 13, 2018   BY ED TOBIAS I’m writing again about someone with MS who was blocked from a handicapped parking…

Stuart Schlossman

A Here’s How to Track Changes in Your MS Symptoms:

Symptom Diary for Multiple Sclerosis Put a notebook on your nightstand or use a free app on your smartphone. Just…

Stuart Schlossman

Communicating with Your MS Healthcare Provider begins with the right questions to ask


Stuart Schlossman

Why Clinical Trials Matter – You play an essential role Before a potential new medicine can be used to help treat patients, it must go through a series of…

Stuart Schlossman

18 Common Home Modifications to Improve Life With MS


Stuart Schlossman

Ladies this is for you: Women’s health Issues- Sexuality and Intimacy in MS – A Graphic Description


Stuart Schlossman

How Well Are You Managing MS?


Stuart Schlossman


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