Category: Symptoms

The ABCs of Pain Management for Multiple Sclerosis

About two-thirds of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience pain at some point during their illness. If you’re among them, getting…

Stuart Schlossman

Drug Relieves MS Constipation — at a Price

By John Gever, Deputy Managing Editor, MedPage Today Published: June 02, 2013 Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University…

Stuart Schlossman

INFORMATION and Types of Pain in MS

Pain syndromes are common in MS. In one study, 55% of people with MS had “clinically significant pain” at some…

Stuart Schlossman

Pseudobulbar Affect: When You Can’t Stop Laughing, or Crying

By JANE E. ALLEN, ABC News Medical Unit When David Diehl, a third-generation family farmer, became aparaplegic five days after…

Stuart Schlossman

Early Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

WebMD Feature By Gina Shaw Reviewed By Neil Lava, MD Michael Williamson was 16 years old when he noticed a few…

Stuart Schlossman

The Hidden Symptoms of MS

The links found in this posting will re-direct you to the MSAA website: Managing the symptoms that those around you…

Stuart Schlossman

Uthoff’s Phenomena and summer fun with MS

Posted by Patrick Leer—April 29th, 2013 Living with MS as a family in the summer takes more than sunscreen. Those lazy…

Stuart Schlossman

Pain measurement study could help multiple sclerosis sufferers

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PAIN APRIL 13, 2013 BY: LORI FRIEND As the impulses are conducted through the electrode array, the thalamus interprets…

Stuart Schlossman

Multiple Sclerosis Treatments – for the Disease and for the Symptoms can enable better quality of life

Although there is still no cure for MS, effective strategies are available to modify the disease course, treat exacerbations (also called attacks, relapses,…

Stuart Schlossman

Managing Pain and Sleep Issues in MS Part 1 – Pain in Multiple Sclerosis

April 2013 Managing Pain and Sleep Issues in MS  Part 1 – Pain in Multiple Sclerosis Thousands of people with…

Stuart Schlossman


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