Category: Symptoms

Urologic Dysfunction (Bladder Issues) with Multiple Sclerosis

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Stuart Schlossman

An Active Brain Throughout Life Slows Cognitive Decline

Higher levels of cognitive activity in childhood, middle age, and old age were associated with slower rate of cognitive decline,…

Stuart Schlossman

Ophthalmologic Manifestations of Multiple Sclerosis

Common neuro-ophthalmologic manifestations of multiple sclerosis (MS) are unilateral vision loss due to optic neuritis (ON) and oscillopsia due to nystagmus and diplopia (eg,…

Stuart Schlossman

Recognizing Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

People with multiple sclerosis (MS) tend to have their first symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40. Usually the…

Stuart Schlossman

Multiple Sclerosis and Fatigue

Medically speaking, fatigue is not the same thing as tiredness. Tiredness happens to everyone — it is an expected feeling after certain…

Stuart Schlossman

MS Treatment Options, Relapse, Adherence, MS101 and Symptom Management – a Two Speaker, MS education program

This video begins with Stuart Schlossman – President and Founder of MS Views and News – and then leads in…

Stuart Schlossman

Controlling the Muscle Spasms of Multiple Sclerosis

Many people with multiple sclerosis experience spasticity, or muscle stiffness and spasms. It usually affects the muscles of the legs…

Stuart Schlossman

Multiple Sclerosis: What is Lassitude?

By Rosalind Kalb, Barbara Giesser, and Kathleen Costello from Multiple Sclerosis For Dummies, 2nd Edition Although many people experience fatigue on a regular basis, one…

Stuart Schlossman

Multiple Sclerosis and Vision Problems

Vision problems are relatively common in people with multiple sclerosis (MS); however, rarely do these problems result in total blindness.  Assess How Well…

Stuart Schlossman

When to Get Help for Middle-of-the Night Awakening

Why You Never Feel Rested     Medications may be keeping you up. What to do to stop the tossing and turning.…

Stuart Schlossman


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