Category: Myelin Repair

Multiple sclerosis – helping cells to help themselves

Mouse myelin repair cells (oligodendrocytes) in a petri dish. These cells produce myelin (green), which they then use to repair…

Stuart Schlossman

Unlocking the Mystery of Remyelination

Unlocking the Mystery of Remyelination Did you know the immune system has a conflicting effect on remyelination? Acute inflammation is…

Stuart Schlossman

What prevents remyelination? New stem cell research reveals a critical culprit

December 18, 2018,  University at Buffalo  Credit: CC0 Public Domain         New research on remyelination, the spontaneous regeneration…

Stuart Schlossman

How B-cells Work to Promote T-cell Attacks on Myelin That Lead to MS Detailed in Study

SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 BY ANA PENA B-cells in the immune system play an important role in the unfolding of inflammation and…

Stuart Schlossman

This Is What Excites Me About Remyelination Therapy Research

SEPTEMBER 17, 2018 — BY DEBI WILSON Remyelination therapies are on the horizon as an innovative multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment, according…

Stuart Schlossman

MS and new ways of regenerating our brain’s insulation

New research finds that stimulating myelin production in our brains could help people living with degenerative and disabling neurological diseases…

Stuart Schlossman

Enzyme Key to Myelin Renewal and Nerve Cell Health Possibly Identified in Study

A better understanding of the processes behind a continual and healthy renewal of myelin — the fatty, protective substance wrapping…

Stuart Schlossman

Potential new MS drug could regenerate myelin

Published  Thursday 19 July 2018 By Catharine Paddock PhD New research could lead to treatments for multiple sclerosis that regenerate myelin,…

Stuart Schlossman

Scientists Look at Regrowing Myelin as a Potential MS Treatment

A recent study showed the promise of remyelination, which could help reverse some of the damage done to the body…

Stuart Schlossman

New MS Therapy Company, Pipeline, to Focus on Rejuvenating Coating That Projects Nerve Cells

A new company called Pipeline Therapeutics will focus on developing next-generation therapies for regenerating the key nerve-protection process that is damaged in multiple…

Stuart Schlossman


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