Category: MS Research Study and Reports

Under the microscope: what is the potential of BTK inhibitors (BTKI) ?

information provided by: MS Society UK  Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors are an emerging type of disease modifying therapy (DMT)…

Stuart Schlossman

The MS wealth death gap. Rich people with MS are 16.6% more likely to be alive after 30 years compared with poor people with MS [according to this observational study in France].

  Abstract Background: The effects of socio-economic status on mortality in patients with multiple sclerosis is not well known. The objective…

Stuart Schlossman

Can diabetes drugs like insulin, metformin affect MS risk?

 Medical New Today By Hannah Flynn on November 24, 2022 — Fact checked by Anna Guildford, Ph.D.      …

Stuart Schlossman

Time to reconsider the classification of multiple sclerosis

 author: Takashi Yamamura November 18, 2022 Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the CNS, showing various clinical manifestations…

Stuart Schlossman

Multiple sclerosis progression: time for a new mechanism-driven framework

Published: November 18, 2022 Prof Tanja Kuhlmann, MD  Marcello Moccia, MD Timothy Coetzee, PhD * Prof Jeffrey A Cohen, MD * Prof…

Stuart Schlossman

Researchers seek to know why stem cell treatment works

 November 14, 2022 A new study from Switzerland suggests why stem cell transplant works. The treatment is particularly suitable for…

Stuart Schlossman

Brain discovery may help boost body’s ability to fight MS

 Researchers may have discovered a molecule in the brain responsible for orchestrating the immune system’s responses to multiple sclerosis. The…

Stuart Schlossman

Obesity and MS

 News Flash! According to the German National MS study of 1066 German participants with relapsing-remitting MS, those considered obese had…

Stuart Schlossman

Large study finds greater risk of Infection with progressive forms than RRMS

 by Patricia Valerio, PhD | October 20, 2022 People with progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) are nearly four times more likely…

Stuart Schlossman

Survival Much Higher for MS Patients Who Take DMTs as Directed: Study

 Medication adherence linked to greater survival for US veterans prescribed DMTs by Marisa Wexler, MS | September 23, 2022 The likelihood of survival…

Stuart Schlossman


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