Category: Misc. MS Related

Women’s Health – What Are Kegels?

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Stuart Schlossman

Neuroscience Centers of Florida Foundation, Inc. (NSCFF) has added a FREE service, for the MS community

written: January 6, 2014 Neuroscience Centers of Florida Foundation, Inc. (NSCFF) is pleased to announce the addition of a new…

Stuart Schlossman

Bad Press can lead to misconceptions

written By Rusty –                             December 29,…

Stuart Schlossman

Parenting With MS

By R. Morgan Griffin               — Reviewed by Arefa Cassoobhoy, MD, MPHWebMD Feature Multiple sclerosis may get in your…

Stuart Schlossman

Glaxo-Smith Kline wants to Stop Paying Docs to speak

GSK Stops Paying Doc Speakers: A Tipping Point?    The announcement by one pharmaceutical giant that it would stop paying…

Stuart Schlossman

Flu Shots and Multiple Sclerosis: Should You Vaccinate or Not?

Written by Jeri Burtchell  The influenza vaccine is recommended for MS patients, but only if they receive it in shot form…

Stuart Schlossman

What to Know about the Shingles Vaccine and Multiple Sclerosis

Two Important Reads: …….. To comment – click the comment link shown below ……. USE OUR SHARE LINKS at the…

Stuart Schlossman

A Few of the Many Comments received from attendees after the Nov 9th, 2013 program in Atlanta

MS Views and News would like to thank the more than 20 comments received after the program on November 9,…

Stuart Schlossman

Is your doctor-patient relationship on the rocks? Find out if it’s time to move on.

Brenda Della Casa had been seeing her primary care physician for two years and had brushed off her concerns about…

Stuart Schlossman

Wheeled Mobility Device Users Needed for Study

9/25/2013 Researchers from The Human Engineering Research Laboratories at VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System are looking for wheeled mobility device users…

Stuart Schlossman


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