Category: Misc. MS Related

an MS Patient’s story on : Multiple Sclerosis & Smoking

Up in Smoke: My Thoughts on Multiple Sclerosis & Smoking by Jamie Tripp in Inside MS This is one of those topics that…

Stuart Schlossman

In Helping to Keep Things Positive and Uplifting

A Reader of Stu’s Views & MS News, has shared a really POSITIVE website with us that many of you…

Stuart Schlossman

A Patient’s Story on her Experience with Lemtrada

Written 01.22.14 – I am Lisa Dasis, a 52 year old mother of two grown children and grandmother of four…

Stuart Schlossman

Modest familial risks for multiple sclerosis

January 22, 2014 Contact: Press Office 46-852-486-077 Karolinska Institutet  Modest familial risks for multiple sclerosis Even though multiple sclerosis…

Stuart Schlossman

Medication Compliance

I just read one of the better written articles on patient compliance with medication and treatment protocols that I have…

Stuart Schlossman

CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) For Depression

Are you depressed? If you are CBT may help.  “Depression, the silent killer. Up to 50% of MSers will experience…

Stuart Schlossman

Alemtuzumab Investigators Protest FDA Decision

PLEASE read all AND THEN CLICK ON THE LINK FOUND  AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE Medscape Alemtuzumab Investigators Protest…

Stuart Schlossman

Options and Choices – The Will of the People – Be Heard

Thousands of Multiple Sclerosis patients are getting worse each day; They need another Option, another choice I created a petition…

Stuart Schlossman

A new pathway for neuron repair is discovered

This image shows a single neuron in a whole animal 5 hours after dendrites were removed with laser surgery (left).…

Stuart Schlossman

MS Patient Fights FDA Over Rejection Of Genzyme’s Lemtrada

Jan 10, 2014  A 49-year-old mother from Waterford, Conn., has become an ally of Cambridge, Mass.-based drug giant Genzyme in its efforts…

Stuart Schlossman


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