Category: Misc. MS Related

MS Related- Talking About: Family Conversations

Provided by: Cherie C. Binns RN BS MSCN Since MS is such a variable disease, needs are constantly changing. Ongoing family…

Stuart Schlossman

The Irony of Caregiver Guilt

By: Gary Barg After eight years of taking care of both of her parents by herself, Mary had a stroke.…

Stuart Schlossman

New York Moves To Legalise Medical Marijuana

June 20, 2014 New York has agreed to allow limited access to medical marijuana for severely ill patients. The so-called…

Stuart Schlossman

6 Signs It’s Time to Ditch Your Doctor

Important: The opinions expressed in WebMD User-generated content areas like communities, review, ratings, or blogs are solely those of the…

Stuart Schlossman

MS Drug (Fingolimod) Shows Promise in Animal Study for Treatment of PTSD –

By Jackie Syrop | June 03, 2014 A new study in mice of the multiple sclerosis (MS) immunomodulator drug fingolimod (Gilenya)…

Stuart Schlossman

Read this Assessment Quiz, which asked patients and caregivers how well they’re managing their multiple sclerosis

The editorial team at Everyday Health, a sister company to MedPage Today, produced a Multiple Sclerosis Assessment Quiz, which asked…

Stuart Schlossman

Employment: Developing and achieving employment goals can be accomplished despite your MS diagnosis.

Information is provided by The National MS Society As a complex and unpredictable disease, MS can have varying effects on…

Stuart Schlossman


Understanding the legal protections available to you is one way to help you maintain your place in the workforce. These…

Stuart Schlossman

Stopping MS – Understanding Progression

More and more discoveries are helping us understand MS progression, or worsening – which most people with MS experience no…

Stuart Schlossman

Pregnancy For Women With Multiple Sclerosis

Information provided by: Cherie C. Binns RN BS MSCN By: MSF Staff and reviewed by the MSF Medical Advisory Board The…

Stuart Schlossman


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