Category: Facts of MS

An MS Educational Skit (with MS Neuros Thrower & Boster), that will Help You Learn about The Immune System and Multiple Sclerosis

  * – Watch as Dr. Ben Thrower plays “Multiple Sclerosis (MS)” (the Invader) and Dr. Aaron Boster plays…

Stuart Schlossman

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS – Clinical and Biological Features

 Multiple sclerosis (MS) literally means “many scars,” which refers to the lesions that accumulate in the brain and spinal cord…

Stuart Schlossman

What Causes MS?

In multiple sclerosis, the body’s own immune system attacks the central nervous system (CNS) and causes damage, which slows or…

Stuart Schlossman

video: Mood Changes in MS

Created by: The National MS Society This video explores why and how people with MS experience changes in mood, and…

Stuart Schlossman

7 Strange and Uncommon Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Click HERE to Subscribe for the MS Beacon eNewsletter MS is a disease that is unique to each patient, meaning…

Stuart Schlossman

Video: With Dr. Ben Thrower: Doctor’s Notes – What is MS? Who gets MS? What are the symptoms?

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Stuart Schlossman

Clearing Up Misconceptions about MS


Stuart Schlossman

A Year in Review: All About Multiple Sclerosis


Stuart Schlossman

Addressing the High Risk of Falls in People with Multiple Sclerosis


Stuart Schlossman

What Causes Multiple Sclerosis?


Stuart Schlossman


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