Category: Caregiver related

Caregiver Rights, Financial Responsibilities and Proper Documenation

Presented by: Craig Dorne, PA, Attorney – Miami, Fl. It is essential for every person and caregiver to understand their…

Stuart Schlossman

When Someone You Love Has Multiple Sclerosis

By Kara Mayer Robinson For decades, Dave Bexfield, who’s had multiple sclerosis(MS) since 2005, was the designated “bug killer” in his house.…

Stuart Schlossman

When Someone You Love Has Multiple Sclerosis

For decades, #DaveBexfield, who’s had multiple sclerosis (MS) since 2005, was the designated “bug killer” in his house. When his wife, Laura,…

Stuart Schlossman

Thanks to Caregivers Who Share Our MS Load

Nov 14, 2017 The MS load we carry is heavy. Some of us, unfortunately, must carry it alone. But many…

Stuart Schlossman

National Caregivers Awareness Month – a time to recognize the important role that caregivers and support partners play in chronic conditions like MS


Stuart Schlossman

Caregiver to Caregiver: We Are Not Alone


Stuart Schlossman

Caregiver to Caregiver: We Are Not Alone


Stuart Schlossman

What My Mom’s Multiple Sclerosis Has Taught Me

I administered my first drug injection when I was eight. My mom usually assigned the job — not typically intended…

Stuart Schlossman

A Resource for Caregivers

A CAREGIVER RESOURCE                                       …

Stuart Schlossman

How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Taking care of your loved one is rewarding, but you’ve got to watch for signs that you’re getting stressed out.…

Stuart Schlossman


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