Category: An MS Patients Story


♥ Radio♥  1st Station Designed to Support, Enlighten and Inspire Individuals Affected Directly and Indirectly by MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS &…

Stuart Schlossman

An MS Patient’s determination has helped him to “Take Steps” again…

Published by Stuart on 4-3-11 Jarod’s Profile: MS diagnosis 1986 No MS drugs since 2007 Organic vegetarian since 2009 walking…

Stuart Schlossman

THREE varying MS Patient Stories

Jaxson de Ville Travels to Seattle to Help Fellow NFL Mascot First Coast News Curtis Dvorak, the man who has…

Stuart Schlossman

Bellingham man with MS scales Mount Baker, helps others cope with the disease

March 25, 2011 To look at lifelong athlete Keith Terry, who climbed Mount Baker last year on his first try,…

Stuart Schlossman

A parent’s multiple sclerosis can take heavy toll on children

By Petula Dvorak, Thursday, March 24, 7:09 PM Alice is a 19-year-old woman who blogs anonymously about changing her mother’s diapers. She lies to people about…

Stuart Schlossman

A Stem Cell Update from a patient’s view

A note from Judi Lecoq Dear Stuart, I read the article on Stem Cell Transplants in Greece.  After reading the…

Stuart Schlossman


MS =. The National MS Society has created this page so that all of us who live with MS —…

Stuart Schlossman

Father and son to headline MS luncheon

Everyone agrees, multiple sclerosis is one bad apple, but this celebrity family won’t let it spoil the whole bunch. Singer-songwriter…

Stuart Schlossman

Couple copes with Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis, with Love and Laughter

(NECN/CNN) – When one or both partners is living with an illness, it can put added stress on a relationship.…

Stuart Schlossman

From fractals come angels — With computers and light, MS patient creates art…

Updated: Friday, 11 Feb 2011, 8:56 PM ESTPublished : Friday, 11 Feb 2011, 8:56 PM EST Bill Tomison with reporting…

Stuart Schlossman


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