Category: Additional MS resource sites

Genetic risk found similar between RRMS, PPMS in Swedish study

 Familial risk for both subtypes was highest among full siblings by Lindsey Shapiro, PhD | July 25, 2023 The risk of developing multiple…

Stuart Schlossman

HSCT (haematopoietic stem cell transplant) – short summary

  Summary HSCT (haematopoietic stem cell transplant) is not a drug, it is a procedure that involves harvesting of stem cells…

Stuart Schlossman

What to Expect From an MS Relapse

 What can you expect from a Multiple Sclerosis relapse? Let’s take a look at one young Black woman’s personal journey…

Stuart Schlossman

Is MS Curable Yet? Dr. Boster on Research Advances

Click to Subscribe for the MS Beacon eNewsletter, resources and MS education   There’s not yet a cure for multiple…

Stuart Schlossman

Invisible symptoms: the unseen side of MS

6 June 2023 Many MS symptoms seem invisible to other people. They may affect you greatly but no one seems…

Stuart Schlossman

Bad Diet = 10X more Multiple Sclerosis!

 Information provided by Brandon Beaber, MD Does diet affect MS?  According to a study in Jordan, people who scored the…

Stuart Schlossman

Living with multiple sclerosis: Telling your employer

 Click to Subscribe for the MS Beacon eNewsletter, resources and MS education Visit our MS Learning Channel on YouTube:…

Stuart Schlossman

Ten (10) ways to Preserve Brain Health if you have MS or other conditions

 Click to Subscribe for the MS Beacon eNewsletter, resources and MS education By Quinn Phillips – Reviewed: May 4, 2023 Medically…

Stuart Schlossman

Lifestyle Changes to Slow MS Progression

 MS is a complex disease that impacts the brain and spinal cord. While the exact cause is unknown, experts believe…

Stuart Schlossman

Role of the Comprehensive Care Team

 source:  The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers The world of multiple sclerosis has changed during the past two decades. There…

Stuart Schlossman


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