Caregivers: Secure Your Own Oxygen Mask First

Stuart SchlossmanCaregiver related, Multiple Sclerosis, News from the MS Foundation, Stu's Views and MS News

written by the MS Foundation

If you are caring for a loved one with MS who is significantly disabled, you are probably facing some serious daily challenges. In fact, you may be so overwhelmed with responsibilities that you haven’t even considered your own mismanaged stress, poor diet, physical inactivity, unrecognized or undiagnosed depression, denial, fear, isolation, loneliness, or grief – all of which increase your risk for future health problems.

If you intend to continue caring for your loved one with MS, you simply must care for yourself first. Imagine yourself on an airplane. What does the flight attendant tell you to do in an emergency? Secure your own oxygen mask first – then tend to your child or significant other. The same principle applies to caregiving.

If you are “burning the candle at both ends,” it won’t be long before you fall victim to caregiver burnout. Consider the following questions:

• Are you often feeling angry, bitter, or resentful?
• Are you constantly exhausted and overwhelmed?
• Are you frequently ill?
• Do you find yourself thinking about an escape or a way out?
• Do you often feel hopeless or desperate?
• Do you deny yourself time with others?
• Do you use cigarettes, alcohol, sleeping pills or food to cope with stress?

If you recognize yourself in these behaviors, it’s time to focus on some serious caring – for yourself!


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