Boy Scouts do housework for people with MS

Stuart SchlossmanFor the Benefit of the Patient, Multiple Sclerosis

A group of boys banned together to help local people living with the debilitating disease Multiple Sclerosis. They may not know the people personally, but they do know the struggle with MS.

On Saturday afternoon in southwest Bakersfield a group of boys frantically worked on a house to clear weeds, and groom plant beds.

No, they aren’t getting paid, and no they are not being punished. On the contrary, they are being rewarded, emotionally. “My aunt has MS so it’s kind of personal for me. I’m kind of doing this for her,” volunteer Kendrick Crabtree said.

James O’Rourke is the mastermind behind this project, called MS Service Day. His mother suffers from multiple sclerosis. “She can’t get around too well anymore and she’s mostly in bed most of the time. I miss doing stuff with her,” O’Rourke said.

O’Rourke is trying to earn his eagle badge for the Boy Scouts and wanted to give back to those who are going through what his family is going through. He arranged for several teams of boys, mostly Boy Scouts, to go around Bakersfield, completing home improvement projects, painting, and doing yard work for people with MS.

William Jensen is one of the people who they are helping. He has suffered from MS for five years says he has little mobility. “It’s hardly anything. I can’t walk anymore,” Jensen said. “I feel like I can help those who can’t help themselves. I feel like I can do something for others. It’s gives me a good feeling,” Crabtree said.

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