Blu Sky “be inspired and inspire – a Video story from an MS patient

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Inspirational

Blu Sky “be inspired and inspire others” from Kathleen Wilson on Vimeo.

by: Kathleen Wilson — posted: 7/29/2014

This video is about my personal struggle with secondary progressive multiple
sclerosis. Without a known cause, treatment or cure for progressive MS, I feel
that I must take charge of my health destiny, I documented 365 days of what I
am doing to remain as healthy as possible, physically, emotionally and

This is the first year of three, the second beginning August 1, 2014. I am
setting new goals to accomplish more because the first year was surprisingly
successful in unexpected ways.
My hope is to hear from others facing similar challenges who may feel out of
the mainstream because we are not selected for clinical trials for treatments
of any significance.

My focus is to stay as well as I can and await a cure which may or may not
occur within my lifetime.

-Stu’s Views — WOW- this video really lit me up to where I just had to post this for you, many of you, to see.. Quite engaging and although this might not work for many, I am hoping that there will be those that truly do get inspired and act on that inspiration.  THANK YOU KATHLEEN!!!!

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