Blog Comments are appreciated

Stuart SchlossmanStu's Views and MS News

In this day and age, when so many are using Facebook, we find that many are commenting to our blog articles, but they are commenting only on Facebook or Twitter.

So, when a person writes a comment such as the one shown below, we want to share with you and hope that others will leave comments or questions to our articles and to leave those comments right here on our blog site.

So here is a comment from Tina:

Tina B  has left
a new comment on your post “MS
Presents Differently Among Family Members

I forwarded this post to my siblings. Our Mother had MS for 13 years. She
stayed the same for a few years then progressed very quickly and passed away.
We are always following the news and hope for a cure someday..

Your blog has been a useful tool in helping us keep up with the latest. Thank

Thanks again Tina


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