Ask an MS Nurse

Stuart SchlossmanAsk an MS Nurse

Cherie C. Binns RN BS MSCM


Several years ago, when MS Views and News was in its infancy, Stuart Schlossman invited me
to become a fuller part of his brainchild.  
As a Health Care Professional who was living with MS he thought I might
be able to direct readers to resources or answer questions or clarify things
they had read or heard.  

For the past
several years, in addition to being available as the “Ask the MS Nurse” and
answering emails from readers, I have also served on the Medical Advisory Board
for MS Views and News.
Readership has grown almost beyond our wildest
hopes and Dreams and, I do believe, MS Views
and News
has become one of the most trusted sources for up to date and
accurate bi-Monthly informational newsletters available today for People with
Multiple Sclerosis (PWMS), their friends, families and care partners.

That said, there are often articles posted that
may be too technical to be readily understood by some.  They may need translation into more common
language.   Or a phrase might not make
sense and you need clarification.   That
is one place I might be of help to you.  
Feel free to email me and I will do my best to answer your questions
about what you read here, help you to clarify your own questions for your
health care team or help you find resources in your area to meet specific
needs.  I try to respond to emails within
a day or two personally. 

My email is

I look forward to connecting or
reconnecting with y


Thank you   

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