As a child, You or I might have had MS and not have even known it…

Stuart SchlossmanAn MS Patients Story, Multiple Sclerosis

As a Child I or You, might have already had Multiple Sclerosis
Who is to say no and who might say yes?

Who else might right now be thinking back, many moons ago to when he or she was also a child…

How many might have been considered lazy or a day dreamer?

How many may have been slower than most of their friends? Especially known while playing a game called TAG, that you were easiest to catch, to be tagged and then yelled at : “YOU’RE IT” !  Were you “IT” more than others?

How many might have gone on road trips with their parents and often had a bladder issue that your parents only yelled at you about…? I am not stopping again, they would say…

Were you called clumsy or a klutz

Could you not score high on school testing, not because you didn’t study, but because you just could not remember what you read? 

How about participating in Gym Class (P.E. or Phys ed)? Ever notice that Gymnastics just wasn’t your thing, simply because you felt it better to keep both feet on the ground where you were better balanced! Less coordinated?

Not I, but were you ever last to be picked or amongst the last to be on a team because you were as “able” as others participating in that sport? 

Vertigo was an issue for me, even way back then… (surely no roller-coasters for me either)

Oh, let’s not forget about Pain, headaches and more. I seemed to always have-had something hurting and then simply labeled: a Kvetch, or a hypochondriac.

As a child from what you may be able to recall, what else might there have been that caused you to be different, which now you just chalk-up to being your MS? 

So, let’s read what others have to say…
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