An MS Patients’ Story – Stu’s Updated story

Stuart SchlossmanAbout Stuart, Multiple Sclerosis

For a change of Pace, allow me to give a brief essay concerning me and my MS 

How I first find out about my MS:
Diagnosed in 1998
For many years and especially during business trips, my body succumbed to the unknown. Unknown then, by the doctors, and unknown to me of my family, as to why I always felt drained when traveling (mainly for business) to far from exotic locations such as the industrial areas of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and other countries of Central America and also the Southern USA. I often had problems with what was classified as Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, tired eyes, anxiety and migraines. I was often told that I was travelling too much and that maybe the constant stress and strain of this travel was making me feel poorly. Finally, after years of these smaller issues, I returned from a trip with the better portion of the right side of my body not working. I felt stiff and paralytic. And the left side of my face began drooping with Bell’s Palsy. Then, we knew something was really wrong……

Emotions that I first experienced when first diagnosed with MS:

I was dumbfounded because I did not know what MS was. My wife mentioned that her ex-mother-in-law has MS. She also mentioned that Annette Funicello and Richard Pryor had been diagnosed with MS. I thought it was impossible for me to have this too… and so, I began doing my research.

How my outlook changed today, regarding my MS:

As I mention at the end of each speaking engagement, I was once known as an Abrasive, Arrogant, Obnoxious, Salesperson. NOW, I am simply known as an Abrasive, Arrogant, Obnoxious Humanitarian….

Types of things/activities I do to help me live with MS:

I help to satisfy the needs of “others” affected by MS. I help them by educating them, and in turn this helps me. Thousands are educated by me each day and hopefully this will be able to continue.

What activities I do in my free time:

I enjoy gardening, I used to fish (but I need a new fishing partner), I used to golf (but I need a new golf partner. I enjoy meeting with friends, and sightseeing.

What I would say to someone who just found out they had MS:

I would say that they are lucky to be in the age that they are and coming onto the MS Scene now. There are so many options available to them. I would tell them that I can meet with them and or with their families to discuss how MS is not a life-stopper but a life moderator. I would help them learn to moderate their life and be willing to discuss options for managing their MS.
Stuart Schlossman – RRMS

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