an MS patient’s Passion for Feeling as best he can…

Stuart SchlossmanAlternative therapies and devices for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), An MS Patients Story

A desire to Tempt
Fate Once Again . . .

New blog post from Jon Chandonnet 

Apr 25, 2014 10:30 pm

Two and a half years ago, I
began working with a trainer to strengthen my core. I had been focused on
writing for the previous four years. All that sitting, combined with the
neurological impacts of MS, lead to my core’s weakening.

You may react by saying, “Sorry
to hear that, MS is a vicious disease.”

Or you may react by saying,
“Jon, that’s too bad, but you know what the disease can do. It’s up to you, in
concert with the available MS therapies, to stem the tide of the disease.”
I understand both responses.

When I decided to begin working
with a trainer, the book had entered the editing phase, so I had some extra
time and decided to tempt fate. I wanted to try and alter the disease’s impact
on my body one more time. Maybe the transformation I had experienced seven
years earlier, through the diet and lifestyle shift, was a fluke? Maybe it was
easier to change the body as a thirty-five year old than it was in my early
forties? Maybe the clock had expired?

I didn’t give much thought to
whether it was possible or whether my body would respond. I didn’t care. I
wanted to improve my core strength and maybe reduce the stiffness and soreness
I felt each morning that lingered as I moved through the day.

Last Year

After working with a trainer
for eighteen months, my core strength improved to the point where it felt more
natural to run again, and my body was less sore and stiff in the morning. My
definition of running again means to be able to sustain the effort for more
than a hundred feet. That hadn’t been possible since my return from the diet
and detox center in the fall of 2005.

Last March, I made a video about
running on the beach between lifeguard stands. I continued on that path for two
months until I had to stop. My ego was in control, not my body. I had to take a
step back. I needed to isolate my left leg and improve its strength,
responsiveness, and fluidity before I could sustain the effort of running. I
have done that over the last year, and my body now feels ready to take on the

Can I tempt Fate

This is about more than my goal
to run again. My ego needs to sit this one out. It’s about listening to my body
and taking action in the sequence that will allow me to naturally achieve what
I want. Can I tempt fate once again? I think I can, and its that conviction
that will serve me well in this latest pursuit.

Is there an area in your
life where it will be beneficial to tune into your intuition to make what you
want to happen more naturally?


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