Amazing Stem Cell Therapy news for people with Multiple Sclerosis

Stuart SchlossmanMS Research Study and Reports, Multiple Sclerosis, Stem Cell Related

I first wrote a blog post of this story yesterday.

Below is another posting (even better than yesterday’s post):

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment with Adult Stem Cells

by David Prentice
December 14, 2009

The latest success story comes from Australia. Ben Leahy, 20, was in a wheelchair and experiencing vision problems when he was treated earlier in 2009. Ben is now walking after treatment with adult stem cells. The treatment involves isolating the patient’s bone marrow adult stem cells, giving the patient mild chemotherapy to destroy the rogue immune cells that are attacking the nervous system, then re-injecting the patient’s adult stem cells.

While the Australian group has not yet published their results, the technique mirrors the treatment results published in 2009 in Lancet Neurology by Dr. Richard Burt’s team at Northwestern, where they reported that they had reversed the neurological dysfunction of early-stage multiple sclerosis patients.

As Dr. Burt noted:

“This is the first time we have turned the tide on this disease.”

CLICK HERE to continue reading and to watch MS Patient videos of this treatment


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