Advice for People of their Healthcare Team

Stuart SchlossmanAsk an MS Nurse

Written by: Cherie C. Binns RN BS MSCN  

10 Things
I Advise People re: Their Healthcare Team
As an Independent Health Care
Advocate, Gerontology and Multiple Sclerosis Nurse, I am often asked to help
patients with chronic illness or complex needs to be heard and tended to
appropriately on their Medical visits.   

My advice to most is as

1.     Prioritize!  Make
a list of all of the things that you see as unaddressed issues and identify the
three that most impact your comfort and lifestyle.  If there are more
than three issues you feel are urgent, make a second appointment or call ahead
to get a longer appointment to address these.  Share this with
another person who knows you well before you go to the appointment to get their

2.    Do not put
something on the high priority list if you are not willing to make lifestyle
changes to address these issues!

3.    Bring a
list of all of the prescription medications you currently take including those
that are only used as needed.  Be clear about how often and when you
use the as needed prescriptions.
4.    Bring a
list of all supplements you take, how much and when.  Some
prescription medications are not compatible with some natural products (such as
blood thinners and supplements with certain herbal components).

5.    Be honest
about how much you smoke and drink in a day or week. 

6.    Move!  Even
the most mobility impaired person can generally move something even if it’s
only their eyes.  Spend a few minutes each day listening to music and
tapping toes or fingers if that is all you can do.  Exercise is
important for all of us…no matter what our state of Health.

7.    Hydrate!  Drink
at least 6-8 glasses of water daily and remember that you have to drink an
extra glass for each caffeine or alcohol containing beverage consumed.  If
you have bladder issues…drink a glass all at once rather than sipping
throughout the day.

8.    Do
something every day that gives you joy or enhances your knowledge.  A
mind that is constantly expanding does not age as quickly and becomes less
susceptible to depression and cognitive decline.

9.    Ask for
help if you need it.   Do not assume people know your needs or
know what to do for you when they are with you.

10. If you don’t understand why
you are being asked to do something or take a particular medication, do not
leave the office until you do!   Ask questions.  Be an
important part of your Health Care team by learning why and following
directions and reporting problems related to the plan of care.
your Doctor or Nurse or PA or CNA is a Human being with problems and needs that
they leave behind when you are with them.  Acknowledge that and know
they are not superhuman and may not have all the answers but they probably will
try to find the answers you need if you treat them with respect and care.
C. Binns RN BS MSCN  
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